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Pasticcerie Berta | Panettone Glassato Piemonte (In Elegant Tin) 1Kg

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The idea of ​​producing the Panettone, completing the line of Moriondo Carlo macaroons, takes shape when, during the move of the production part, from the historic site of Via Saracco to the Distillerie Berta, an ancient recipe by Francesco Moriondo was found. at the time he worked at the king’s court. The recipe was then studied by our pastry chef and faithfully reproduced in its traditional version: Piedmontese panettone with natural leavening and yeast enriched with raisins and candied fruit (lemon, cedar and orange), covered with crunchy icing with Piedmont hazelnuts IGP and sprinkled with almonds and sugar.

Valori nutrizionali medi per 100g di prodotto:
Energia 1502,8 Kj/359 Kcal
Grassi 11,3 g
di cui
acidi grassi saturi
6,0 g
Carboidrati 57,8 g
di cui
36,3 g
Proteine 6,7 g
Sale 0,6 g

Ingredienti: farina di grano tenero tipo 0, uva sultanina, glassa alla nocciola (11%) [zucchero, albume (uovo), zucchero a velo (frumento), farina di riso, olio di girasole, pasta di nocciola (1%)], zucchero, acqua, burro, scorza di arancia candita (scorza di arancia, sciroppo di glucosio-fruttosio, zucchero, correttore di acidità: acido citrico), tuorlo d’uovo, emulsionate: mono e digliceridi degli acidi grassi, lievito madre (farina di grano, acqua), sciroppo di glucosio-fruttosio, granella di zucchero, granella di nocciolamandorle (1%), sale, aromi naturali.